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Perennial Extravaganza at Linden Hill Gardens
Saturday, 8 June 2019
Another lovely day both for the delightful weather and because there's another event at Linden Hill Gardens. There was an event in April about hellebores. And if you recall, the Tohickon Garden Club was there in March. Those visits were when plants were just beginning to flower - snowdrops and hellebores and such. But now it is June and
Linden Hill Gardens is bursting with flowers, both in the display beds
and in pots, ready to bring home to embellish your own garden.
Such as Campanula punctata, something you might expect to see
in an English cottage garden. What music might chime from these bells.
It's not just perennials. Jerry Fritz has estate size woody plants for sale,
such as this magnificent wisteria. Let me suggest that his crew deal with
delivery and planting, and thorough suggestions for its after care also.
There are always amusing shabby chic objects to enhance the place,
like this rusty old piece of farm equipment, only now it is an objet d'art.
Or, using all those broken terra cotta pots as paving material. Just
don't go barefoot, or in flip-flops. A sharp lesson in what (not) to wear!
The same area had a planting of our native blue flag iris, Iris versicolor.
Really lovely, with its bee guide patterning of white and yellow,
the equivalent of McDonald's golden arches to let bees know where to find nectar.
Iris 'Black gamecock' is more exotic, deep velvety purple-black but still with bee guides.
But sometimes it may be false advertising. This flouncy double Japanese iris
still has the yellow markings on all the extra petals. But I think a bee would
have a difficult time pushing its way deep into 'Wine Ruffles' to seek nectar.
And 'Lion King' seems to have recognized the situation. No bee guides here.
But now it's time for Dan Benarcik's talk on
25 plants without which he could not garden.
Perennials, of course, a few woody plants, some natives, and tropicals.
Or if you prefer, call them seasonal plants. Dan does wonderful things
with elephant ear, bananas, and cannas such as this vivid 'Tropicana'.
His website offers information on his other lecture topics, his writings, and
oh yes, mention of Chanticleer, that fabulous garden in Wayne, Pennsylvania.
Where Dan just happens to create summer extravaganzas with tropical plants.
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